Ltd. "Neftehimapparat" is a manufacturing enterprise producing capacitive, heat-exchanging and column equipment, apparatuses with mixing devices and other equipment for the oil petrochemical, chemical, food and other industries.
Ltd. «Neftehimapparat» has a positive experience of working with JSC «Nizhnekamskneftehim» (supply containers for storage of sulfuric acid - agreement №1/2407/4600019885 from 14.08.2012) and JSC «TAIF-NK» (supply montejus - agreement №018-0383/13 from 25.03.2013 and cyclon D-680 for apparatus C-101 - agreement №018-0623 from 15.03.2013).
From the moment of inception Ltd. «Neftehimapparat» has been proving to be a conscientious supplier which produces a high quality equipment on time. Ltd. «Neftehimapparat» has necessary production facilities, technological equipment, necessary staff of workers and engineers.
Staff of Ltd. «Neftehimapparat» has experience in the design and production activity in the field of chemical machine building for over 15 years and has all the necessary certifications. The structure of the enterprise allows to carry a full cycle of equipment manufacturing from the moment of receiving an application to shipping it to the address of the Customer.
Ltd. «Neftehimapparat» actively participates in the execution of government contracts for the reconstruction of military-industrial complex. As part of these works supplies of capacitive equipment, heat exchangers, column and reactor equipment were made for PCF «Tambovsky porohovoy zavod» (Kotovsk), PKF «Kazansky porohovoy zavod», PCF «Zavod Y.M. Sverdlov» (Dzerzhinsk), FCP «GosNIIHP» (Kazan), FSUE «UNIHIM» (Ekaterinburg), ОАО «NIIPM» (Perm), FGUP «RFNC VNIIEF» (Sarov), FKP «Avangard» (Sterlimak) and FKP «Alexinsky himichesky kombinat». At the moment Ltd. «Neftehimapparat» has 2 existing contracts with the PJSC "Kazanorgsintez" (8 units of equipment were supplied in 2015), contracts with PJSC “Himprom", Novocheboksarsk, Ltd. «Himmash-Apparat» Moscow, FSPC "Altai" Biysk, JSC "GIPROIV" Mytischi, ZAO "Era-Cross" in St. Petersburg and others.